STI/RTI Services

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) rank among the top five conditions for which sexually active adults seek health care in the developing countries. As per the STI prevalence study (2003), over 6% of the adult population in India suffer from one or the other STI/RTI. There is enough evidence to suggest that early diagnosis, treatment and management of STIs including inducing behaviour change through education amongst the target groups will reduce transmission of STIs and HIV. Failure to diagnose and treat STIs at an early stage in women of reproductive age group may result in serious complications and squeals, including infertility, fatal wastage, ectopic pregnancy, ano-genital cancer and premature death, as well as neonatal and infant infections. Effective control of STIs is a strong and most cost effective strategy for reducing/ preventing transmission of HIV. This is because both STIs and HIV have same routes of transmission and occur in individuals practicing similar type of high risk behaviour i.e. unsafe sexual intercourse (with or without substance abuse, alcohol use). Also the presence of a STI in the sexual partner increases the risk of acquisition of HIV from an infected partner many times during unsafe sexual act. The presence of HIV affects the clinical presentation, course, diagnosis as well as management of STIs and presence of STIs increases the risk of acquiring HIV.

Control of STI/RTI is an important component of the NACP; during NACP V, the programme aimed Eliminate vertical transmission of HIV and Syphilis, Promote universal access to quality STI/RTI services to at-risk and vulnerable populations through comprehensive and standardized quality STI/RTI services at all health care facilities.

Laboratory support for STI/RTI has been strengthened through 1 Regional STI Laboratory and 2 state reference centres. The function of these centres are to provide validation of Syndromic Case Management (SCM) by doing etiologic testing, antibiotic susceptibility testing for Gonococci, EQAS for syphilis and conduct operations research providing evidence to the programme.

Aim and Objectives

To reduce the prevalence of STI by Syndromic case management, involvement of private doctors under public private partnership scheme and treatment facility for RTI/STI will be extended up to PHC level.

Service Delivery

There are 40 Designated STI/RTI Clinics (DSRCs) established in Medical Colleges, district hospitals, some sub-district is providing free standardized STI/RTI services. These clinics have been branded as “Suraksha Clinics” and provide sexual & reproductive health services. Counsellors have been appointed in each such clinic to ensure proper counseling of STI patients. Complete and quality STI service delivery includes:

 Treatment of patient & Treatment of partners
 Risk reduction communication
 Patient education and counseling
 Test for syphilis screening and HIV for all clinic attendees and syphilis screening test of all ANC
 Condom demonstration and provision
 Follow up & Documentation and Reporting
 Referral to ICTC / higher health centre