Basic Services

NACO has made significant advances in terms of how HIV counseling and testing services (HCTS) will be offered across the country.

All HCTS facilities have been divided into two groups:

1. Screening Facility (F-ICTC, PPP-ICTC, TI-ICTC, OPD, IPD, Emergency wards etc.), and Confirmatory Facility (SA-ICTC)
2. Community-based HIV screening approaches have been included in the present National HIV Counseling and Testing Services Guidelines, 2016 to improve access to HIV testing.
3. Three different Public Private Partnership models have been introduced to increase HIV testing and improve data sharing practices in the private sector.
4. Counselling remains one of the key pillars of HIV services. NACO endeavors to standardize pre-test and post-test counseling at both the screening and confirmatory facilities and detailed notes for the same have been included in these guidelines. However, the post-test counseling and the follow-up counseling sessions shall now be customized to the patient being tested - such as pregnant women, adolescents, HRG etc.
5. To promote early detection of co-infections, all individuals accessing ICTCs will now be verbally screened for TB, STI/RTI and other co-infections by the counselor.
6. Standard operating procedures for all counselors at screening and confirmatory facilities have been created to enable them to carry out these additional responsibilities with ease. Additionally, standard operating procedures have been included for all ICTC personnel conducting HIV tests at the HCTS facility.
7. New sections on (a) HIV-TB collaborative activities, (b) linkages, (c) supply chain management, (d) IEC activities, (e) information management system and (f) testing for syphilis at the HCTS testing facility, have also been added. Keeping these changes in mind, updated information on trainings has also been outlined in these guidelines. The major changes in the training section include a section on HIV-TB, information management systems, and supportive supervision system. Keeping these changes in mind, updated information on trainings has also been outlined in these guidelines. The major changes in the training section include a section on HIV-TB, information management systems, and supportive supervision system.