The HIV and AIDS (Prevention & Control) Act, 2017 is a central legislation protecting and promoting the rights of persons infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS. The Act came into force on September 10, 2018 with the objective to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS and for reinforcing the legal and human rights of persons infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS. It also seeks to protect the rights of healthcare providers.
The Act addresses stigma & discrimination and strives to create an enabling environment for enhancing access to services. It provides for diagnostic facilities related to ART and opportunistic infection management to people living with HIV and AIDS. The Act also provides for a robust grievance redressal mechanism in the form of Ombudsman at the State level and Complaints Officer at the establishment level aiming to provide speedy redressal.
The list of documents are below:
Handbook on Prevention and Management of Stigma and Discrimination Associated with HIV & AIDS